Mapping the world of Dead Serious...
Welcome to the Crawshanks Universe! Who’d have thought when I first sat down to write an amusing little Halloween story about a pathologist that could see ghosts, that it would grow the way it has. There are so many working parts to the Crawshanks universe and everything is connected. It’s all part of the same fictional world. As Dead Serious began to spawn offshoots, and spin-offs, such as The Grim Adventures of Death & Chan, The Haunted Hotel and The Little Shop of Curiosities, I decided it would be easier to create a visual aid so that you could see how the universe is beginning to take shape and what you can expect moving forward.
Of all the books listed above some are already available, some are going to be released throughout 2024 and some are scheduled for 2025. Some are intended but I don’t have firm dates yet. It maybe subject to some minor changes, but this map will be a permanent fixture on the website and I will always try to keep it up to date. So make sure you check back in from time to time if you’re curious.
Below, you will find a breakdown of the roughly scheduled releases, again remember this may be subject to change.
Now Available
Dead Serious Case #1 Miz Dusty Le Frey
Dead Serious Case #2 Mrs Delores Abernathy
Dead Serious Case #3 Mr Bruce Reyes
Dead Serious Case #4 Professor Prometheus Plume
Dead Serious Case #5 Madame Vivienne
Dead Serious Just the Extras Vol 1
Blue Thunder - A Dead Serious Novella
Dead Serious - The Christmas Annual
The Grim Adventures of Death & Chan Vol 1
The Grim Adventures of Death & Chan Vol 2
The Haunted Hotel
Coming 2024
The Rainbow Room Presents
The True Fan - Dead Serious Extras
The Official Companion - Dead Serious Extras
Coming 2025
The Little Shop of Curiosities Cursed Object 1
The Grim Adventures of Death & Chan Vol 3